Ask yourself, “What would the ideal Corrective Exercise Certification look like?” Could they be free, convenient, evidence-based, practical, fun, effective…
— Dr. Brent Brookbush, CEO of Brookbush Institute
NEW YORK, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, May 11, 2023/ — There are several corrective exercise certifications on the market (HMS, CES, FMS, MES, etc.), but has anyone asked, “What would the ideal Corrective Exercise Certification look like?”. This is the question we set out to answer in our new article “Building a Better Corrective Exercise Certification” (snippet below).
10 Ways Corrective Exercise Certification Could Be Better:
– What if Corrective Exercise Certifications Were Free?: What if all credentials that an organization offered were available with the same fee or charge (like Netflix)?
– Stop Getting Double and Triple Billed: What if all the credits you earned counted toward certification, continuing education credits, and re-certification (at the same time, automatically)?
– It Needs to be Convenient and Accessible on the Go: Education should be easily accessible via desktop (laptop) or mobile device (phone), easy to start and stop, and consumable in smaller chunks.
– Adults Should Have Choices: Rather than a fixed set of courses, what if you could choose from a library of courses to complete a certain number of credits per category? You could customize your learning plan.
– End Summative Final Exams: As an industry, we have to end cram-and-forget-inducing summative final exams and replace them with iterative testing and benchmarks based on progress through coursework.
– It Has to be Evidence-based: It seems social media has accelerated a trend toward promoting gurus with controversial positions (confirmation bias, cherry-picking, fundamental attribution errors). Evidence-based practice is a check on the potential for bias and error and may be the only way to RELIABLY achieve the HIGHEST levels of content accuracy.
– It Has to be Practical: The gross majority of a corrective exercise certification should be focused on assessments and corrective exercises. Most importantly, the techniques have to work, based on immediate improvements of reliable objective measures.
– An Integrated Approach: If a joint mob didn’t work, the answer is probably not more joint mobs. If foam rolling didn’t work, the answer may not be more foam rolling. Optimizing outcomes is likely dependent on our ability to address changes in each component of the human movement system, as assessment indicates which techniques are likely most beneficial for the structures involved in the assessed impairment.
– Systematic and Outcome Driven: Another major issue with corrective exercise certifications is the presentation of exercises without context, perspective, relationship to other effective interventions, or clear demonstration of the effect any one technique will have on an objective, reliable outcome measure (e.g. the Overhead Squat Assessment or Goniometry). Unless there is a system for assessment and intervention, it is not possible to refine interventions by comparing outcomes.
– Best Possible Techniques: If we could figuratively put every possible assessment, technique, modality, and exercise, on a table, from all of the various movement professions we should choose which techniques we will use based on outcome (not titles or degrees).
Read the Full Article for more: Building a Better Corrective Exercise Certification
If you are interested in starting the corrective exercise certification that was developed from these innovations, the Human Movement Specialist (HMS) Certification is included in membership to
Brent Brookbush
Brookbush Institute
+1 201-870-0718
[email protected]
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