Bristol County Loss Survivor Advocates for Youth Suicide Prevention with Digital Billboard Campaign

Steve Palm and Kacie

David & Trevor

Impacted Family & Friends

Steve Palm with lawn sign.

Chelsie & Justin

We need to shatter the stigmatized taboo and misinformation around talking openly about suicidal ideation with our young people.”

— Annemarie Matulis

TAUNTON, MASSACHUSETTS, UNITED STATES, May 16, 2024 / — Suicide Education and Prevention community advocate and activist Steven Palm puts Creating Hope Through Action” into a visible and tangible campaign throughout Mental Health Awareness Month and into June. The Kacie Project, a Bristol County non-profit, has secured a digital billboard on Route 24 northbound in Bridgewater MA. Suicide continues to be the second leading cause of death for young people ages 14 to 24. That is unacceptable.

On his web page Steve notes, “My world was forever changed on July 17, 2014, when my precious daughter Kacie Elizabeth Palm died by suicide at the age of 14. Kacie was kind and considerate. She was generous. She was affectionate and greeted everyone with a hug. She loved to laugh and be goofy. She had family that she loved and loved her. She had lots of friends. She is deeply missed.

Steve posted an open invitation to other suicide loss families on Facebook. Thirteen families responded with photos of their loved ones to add to Steve’ photo of Kacie, ages 14 to 23, who were lost to suicide in Massachusetts, Florida, Kentucky, Oregon and Washington. Seven rotating digital billboard displays were created reflecting 2 photos on each.

With family permission and support for this visual project, their names are:

Kacie Elizabith Palm, age 14

Justin Parker, age 14

Ali Rose Nixon, age 15

Brett Ploude, age 16

Chelsie Grace, age 16

Jeremy Walters, 16

Nicholas Fernandes, age 16

David Pluster, age 17

Logan Singer, age 17

Shea Barnes, age 17

Sarah Bresnahan, age 19

Madison Cox, age 19

Samuel Tripp, age 23

Trevor Viera, age 23

Steve shared, “The Kacie Project was born out of the Bristol County Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition. Early on in my loss I was able to utilize the grief support services that are offered by the coalition. It was at the Kitchen Table Conversation for Suicide loss Survivors where I met many others that had lost a loved one to suicide. I found it very helpful to be able to talk with others that knew exactly what I was going through. It was through this continuing healing process that I started to volunteer my time to suicide prevention. I have learned that talking about suicide is a big part of prevention. Sharing the story of my family’s loss is something that I need to do. “

He continued, “We need to add mental health to the large list of things that we talk to our children about. For the past several years, The Kacie Project has been raising funds to purchase and donate a series of children’s social emotional wellness books to schools, organizations, and individuals locally and nationally. Our hope is that these books make it easy to talk about emotions from the very beginning if a child’s life.”

Steve further shared that, “For suicide loss survivors, grief can be all consuming and exhausting. We also want to be there for other’s touched by suicide. Peer to peer grief support was and is extremely important to me.

Annemarie Matulis, Director of the Bristol County Suicide Prevention Coalition, stated,” We need to shatter the stigmatized taboo and misinformation around talking openly about suicidal ideation with our young people. We hope this kind of visual campaign takes off like wildfire across the country. Let’s get loud. Suicide Prevention is Everyone’s business. #BetheOneto #Break the Silence.

In addition to serving as the Chair for The Kacie Project, Steve Palm currently serves as the co-chair of the Bristol County MA Regional Coalition for Suicide Prevention. He is a certified facilitator for the Re-Energize & Re-Connect peer-to-peer wellness workshops developed by A Voice at the Table/Impacted Family & Friends movement. In his capacity as a bereaved father, Steve has participated in webinars, virtual town halls and conferences. Steve can be reached via email: [email protected]

If you or someone you know and love is struggling emotionally and/or mentally, please call or text: 988.

Annemarie Matulis
Bristol County Suicide Prevention Coalition
+1 508-922-7278
[email protected]
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Originally published at